With over 20 years of experience spanning diverse surfaces and industries, I have specialized in partnering with customers from the outset of the design process. This collaborative approach ensures that products are meticulously crafted to excel from day one, aligning perfectly with user goals. By prioritizing user-centric design and lean UX, I have enabled companies to save millions of dollars by delivering products that are intuitively designed to meet and exceed user expectations.
QuillBot home and product page redesign
Product discovery improved by 35% from the introduction of the product tiles and from a cleaner sidebar. The tiles also helped communicate QuillBot is more than a paraphraser, but a writer's toolkit.
Inconsistent visual design, poor branding and less than 1% of users explored other products from the sidebar. Users and employees alike called the visual design old and ugly.
The solution effectively captured our vision by emphasizing user benefits over features. Visuals, voice, and information architecture were standardized, and updated GIFs highlight the product's value to users.
Role: Co-lead with Brand Director
*Click images to view lightbox
Masonite.com site redesign
The digital product leadership team praised the freshness of the design and how doors are the focus on every page that inspires users to purchase a Masonite door.
The entire site was not redesigned to my specs, but the majority of the site was influenced by the boldness I gave to each page.
The website poorly drove conversion and was designed like a catalog for sales agents and suppliers not residential homeowners with no mobile experience.
Target homeowners and general contractors with a "doors " experience that drives door sales. Designed for desktop and mobile.
Role: Lead UX designer
ADT Pulse Redesign
App ratings changed from 1.2 stars to 5 stars in under 3 weeks with 1 million downloads.
Speed, unreliable connectivity, confusing navigation, no troubleshooting help, and missing features drove negative comments.
Redesigned the app using continuous discovery with a internal feedback team to easily manage connected devices, monitor security and notify owners of home activity for peace of mind.
Role: Lead UX designer and researcher
ADT Pulse Thermostat Redesign
Updated the thermostat design meeting Level AA accessibility with help from a visually impaired customer, Michael Hingson. Micheal and I first cross paths are Redbox, where he and the National Institute of Visually Impaired, brought a suit against Redbox for non-compliant kiosks.
The interactive radial dial and button groupings were difficult to use that many customers complained about.
The radial dial was replaced with simple to use buttons approved, approved by Mr. Hingson. 👍
Role: Lead UX designer and researcher
Gemini org-chart visualization
The ease of zooming in & out of an org chart increased sales by 70%.
Most HR org-chart management softer lacks a smooth way to zoom in/out of org structures.
Inspired by Google Maps' zoom model, I created an efficient system for navigating organizational charts, allowing seamless transitions between high-level and detailed views.
Role: Lead UX designer and researcher